Vertical Gardens and Planters in Barcelona | Amelia J. Creations
vertical gardens flora vertical barcelona

Vertical Gardens & Handmade Ceramics at Flora Vertical

Barcelona is an incredible place to live. We have an abundance of art, entertainment, delicious food and cultural offerings. However, there are also many inconveniences. We tolerate noise, pollution and crowds on a daily basis. The city can be stressful and overwhelming. That’s why it’s important to make your home into a beautiful and calming place to be.

I grew up surrounded by abundant nature. Green forests are one of the things I miss most about my home. In Barcelona, I take the train up into the mountains on a regular basis. I head to the beach in the winter months when there’s room to breath.  I take walks on Montjuic. Most importantly, I make my home a cozy sanctuary by filling it with plants.

City gardening is also a constant theme in my pottery. I make planters of all shapes and sizes for the terrace, balcony or patio. I also make hanging ceramic planters for the home.

Recently, I started selling my work in a beautiful plant shop called Flora Vertical in Poble Nou. They specialize in creating vertical gardens.

Vertical Gardens – improving health and urban aesthetics

Vertical gardens are a mixture of botany, design, art and architecture. Beyond their beauty, these vegetable walls provide environmental and energetic benefits. They reduce atmospheric and noise pollution in the city, creating more silent and healthy environments. Vertical gardens increase thermal insulation and consequently save energy. They can be installed indoors or outdoors, improving urban aesthetics and providing psychological well-being.

hanging vertical gardens

The base of the vertical gardens at Flora Vertical is Sphagnum—a moss cultivated in a natural and responsible way on the island of Chiloé in western Chile. Sphagnum is a a biological repellent, which does not allow the proliferation of insects or bacteria.

Vertical gardens provide many health benefits as well. A square meter of plant coverage generates the oxygen required by a person throughout the year and catches 130 grams of dust per year. (Darlington, 2001). They’re shown to improve performance and also reduce discomfort in the workplace. (Lohr et al. 1996; Bringslimark, et al., 2007). Lastly, this living insulator reduces noise pollution up to 10 decibels. (Akira Hoyano (Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology).

Handmade ceramic planters

At Flora Vertical you will also find handmade ceramic planters and artwork made by local artists. The owners of Flora Vertical support working artists in Barcelona, while at the same time offering their clients a unique buying experience.

ceramic planters
Available at Flora Vertical Shop in Barcelona.

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