Collective Exhibition Women Transiting | Amelia Johannsen
collective exhibition women transiting

Collective Exhibition: Women Transiting

My artwork was chosen to participate in the collective exhibition about transiting women  (Dones Transitant), curated by Noemí Morral, Sarah Barka and Margarida Assis. 

Women travel the world creating their own way; knowledge networks, solidarity, art, life … And in this transit many lose their lives to defend their ideas, their bodies and their territory.

In this exhibition we will be accompanied by women transiting and creating, opening spaces for the defense of human rights, complicity and friendship.

Inauguration: March 5, 2020 at 7:30pm

Open: March 5 – March 28, 2020
Mon – Fri 9am – 10pm
Sat 10-3pm & 4pm-10pm
Free entry

Location: Centre Cívic Barceloneta
C/ Conreria 1, Barcelona 08003

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1 thought on “Collective Exhibition: Women Transiting”

  1. The exhibition will be a platform for such women who have dedicated their lives towards bringing a change in the upliftment of women across various fields,cultures and societies. More of such exhibitions should be there.

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