GREEN | A Ceramics Exhibition - Amelia Johannsen

GREEN | A Ceramics Exhibition

Join us in an artistic celebration of the spring equinox. On Saturday March 30th, we’re presenting a collective ceramics exhibition dedicated to the color GREEN.

The 137° Ceramics Studio in Poblenou is home to a thriving group of international ceramic artists representing Spain, France, UK, Romania, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Croatia, USA and Mexico.

We’ve all come together thanks to our mutual love of clay!

The artwork at 137° spans the realms of fine art ceramics, sculpture, jewelry and functional pottery. You will discover numerous different techniques and styles we use during the creation process.

In case you’ve visited us before, please note that in December 2018 we changed locations. We’re still in the Poblenou district. Now we’re on Llull Street. This means we have more artists and a much bigger exposition space to share our work with you.

If you’re interested in finding more art and events, check out the growing number of activities in the Poblenou district.

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